Register for DesignBuilder Software Training in South Africa
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Attendee name:
Attendee name to appear on certificate:
Attendee ECSA/SACAP registration no (if applicable):
Attendee organisation:
Attendee address:
Attendee city:
Attendee province:
Attendee postal code:
Attendee e-mail:
Attendee cell phone:
Office phone:
Dietary requirements:
FAO name:
VAT number (if registered):
FAO e-mail:
FAO telephone:
Western Cape in person
Online only
Module 1: DesignBuilder 3D Modelling and Module 2: DesignBuilder Simulation
Module 3: DesignBuilder for SANS 10400-XA
Module 4: DesignBuilder HVAC
Module 5: DesignBuilder Advanced Topics
REFUNDS: By registering for a programme you agree to the following and in all cases understand that:
I agree to all of the terms/conditions above
Register for training